Spain Stamp Visa
Adult Visa
INR 7035
Children Between 6-12 Years
INR: 3517
Our Service Charges: INR. 1180/- if its our submission on behalf of the applicant
Our Service Charges INR 855/- Only Virtual Assistance
BLS Charges:INR 1487/- + BLS Courier Charges: INR 600/-
All affidavits should be made on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper with notary seal.
Requirement for Spain Stamp Visa
Visa Application form:
- All forms should be type or filled with Blue ink pen.
- Must bear original signatures of the applicant with blue pen on the applicationform. https://india.blsspainvisa.com/pdf/Solicitud-de-visado-Schengen-Ingl%C3%A9s.pdf
- 2 recent photographs; size: 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm.
- 80% of face coverage with ears visible.
- Not more than 6 months old.
- With white background. Without Spectacles & Sunglasses.
- No Smiling face (Teeth should not be visible).
Cover letter from the Applicant:
Covering Letter stating Applicant details, Purpose of travel, Dates of travel. All cover letters must include details of any other accompanying persons aswell. This includes family members, friends or business associates travellingfor the same purpose.
Travel Insurance:
- Issued by insurance company as per the EU guidelines.
- Valid for Entire stay in Schengen area
- Sworn declaration for travel insurance signed by the applicant. https://india.blsspainvisa.com/pdf/Sworn-Declaration-Form.pdf
- Please find the below link to check the list of approved Travel InsuranceCompanies. Apart from the names listed below one can take travel insurancefrom any insurance company based in Spain. https://india.blsspainvisa.com/pdf/Indian_insurance_companies.pdf
Hotel Booking:
Confirmed Hotel Booking for entire stay
Travel Ticket:
Confirmed Flight ticket (To & From)
Internal Travel:
Confirmed internal travel booking If applicant is travelling different countries within the Schengen area. (any mode of transport )
Salary Slips:
Salary slips for last three (3) months. If salary slip is less than three months then reason for not providing the sameon covering letter or Company offer letter.
Bank Statement:
Six (6) months updated personal bank statement (Saving A/c statement) with sufficient economic means for the entire duration of stay € 65.52Euros (INR 4914 approx) per person per day of stay or € 589.68 Euros (INR 44,226 approx.) per person for a minimum period of 7 day stay. Original signed and stamp of the bank (On-line and photocopies bank statements areacceptable only if it is duly signed and stamped by the Bank authority).
In case of unavailability of Saving/Personal Bank Account: Proprietary & Company Bank Statements (Current A/c statement) are acceptable with Company Registration & GST Registration.
Income tax returns:
Income tax returns (ITR-V) for last two assessment years. If applicant does not have ITR for last two years then he/she can submit form 16. In case if the applicant do not file the ITR he/she have to provide a clarification letter for the same.
Pan card copy:
- Pan card copy of the applicant.
- BLS Authorization form duly sign by the applicant.
- NOC / Leave Sanction Letter.
- Valid for at least 3 months after returning date to India with minimumtwoblank pages. Not older than 10 years when applying for a visa.
- Photocopies of bio(first & last Page) of the current passport . If applicant
possess more than one passport (Current & Old) and he/she wishes to submit theold passports also, then photocopies of the bio(first & last Page) of the oldpassports are required. - In case, if applicant have lost old passport then applicant have to mentionthesame in covering letter.
For Minor Applicants:
- In case, if minor is travelling with either of the parents, affidavit fromthe other
parent on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper with notary seal or In case the minor istravelling with another person, affidavit from both the parents on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper with notary seal & Affidavit on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper with notaryseal from the person stating that he will take all the responsibilities of child. If
Child is travelling alone, then details with ID’s and contact details of the person taking responsibility of the child in Spain. - Application form signed with blue pen by both the parents .
- Passport copy of the parent(s) with their signature. In case if parents doesn’t hold a Passport they can submit photocopy of Pan Card with their signature.
- Financial documents of parents as mention above.
- Declaration form for travel insurance(Sworn Declaration), Authorization letter, Check-list in favour of BLS International signed by BOTHparents.
- In case if minor’s either of parent is residing abroad then they have to take a clarification for the affidavit from the Spain Consulate.
Marriage Certificate:
- If couple is travelling together then they have to submit copy of marriage
certificate. - In case, If they do not have marriage certificate. Both their name should be endorsed in each other passport or they have to submit affidavit Declaring that they are married on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper with notary seal.
- Photocopy of wedding card prior marriage.
In case of sponsorship:
- Applicant sponsorship can be done by any person.
- Sponsorship letter from sponsor and photocopy of Pan card.
- Financial document of sponsor as mention above
In case of accompanying person, they have to provide tickets and valid visacopy and passport photocopy.
Bio Metric:
If Bio metric is already given on or after 2nd of November 2015 then Bio metric datais valid for 59 Months from that date and applicant can send someone else on his/her behalf with a declaration letter for submission of the application stating that “I *Applicant’s name* holding passport number *Applicant’s Passport Number* hereby authorize Mr/Ms or Mrs to submit my visa application on my behalf.” and ABio- metric Letter stating that “I do not wish to visit the center for Bio metric as I havealready given my Bio metric on _ and _ date. However, if Spain consulate does not find my valid Bio metric data then I do not have any problem to visit the BLScenter to give my Bio metrics .”
Short stay Tourist
A Jurisdiction is defined as if the applicant is residing at the location for more than 6 months. E.g. Applicant with Passport issued in the state of Haryana, but staying & working in Kerala can submit the application at the office in Mumbai Jurisdiction with valid proof of residence. (For Residence proof: Photocopy of Rent Agreement / NOC letter from company mentioning current address and date of residence of the applicant in Original/ Photocopy of Sale Deed or In case if anyone is residing with their relatives, We require Affidavit from the relevant relatives on Rs. 100/- stamp paper &Property papers of the same.)
Download Solicitud-de-visado-Schengen-Inglés
Download Authorization From Mumbai
Download Disclaimer from Mumbai
The Consulate of Spain takes at least 4 working days to process visas from the time of receipt of correct and complete application at the Consulate. There is no prescribed cut-off time for your application submission by the Consulate. However, in case of a situation(late submission, natural calamity, political and social unrest etc.) where in the file/application reaches the Consulate lesser than 4 days before travel date, the processing of the application might get delayed. In such an event, BLS and the Consulate of Spain shall not be held responsible or liable for any losses incurred by the applicant.
Please Note:
- The above is not an exhaustive list of documentation. Applicant canberequested to submit additional documents or may be called for an Interview(if
required) by the Consulate General of Spain – Mumbai. The visa fee, accordingtoSchengen regulations, is non-refundable. - Embassy/ High Commission may ask for any additional documents.
- Visa fees and service charges are not refunded if your application is refused by the Embassy.
- The issuance of a visa is the whole and sole prerogative of the concerned Consulate/Embassy of the sovereign state over which we do not have any control. We merely act as a document delivery agent between the customer and the concerned Consulate/Embassy and shall in no way be responsible for any delay or refusal in the issuance of a visa by the respective Consulate / Embassy.